Psevdas is a village located in the district of Larnaca. There are 1,070 people living in the community presently (World Population Review). The three cities, Larnaca, Nicosia, and Limassol, intersect at this location. Due to its strategic location and excellent road system, it is easily accessible from all of Cyprus's cities. Its borders include Pyrga, Lympia, Mosfiloti, and Agia Anna.
The village is consistently lush all year long. It is located in a semi-mountainous environment that is bordered by hills and mountains. Apidaki, the tallest mountain, is found south of Psevdas. Mount Mallouthkiatis is located to the village's northwest, Rominos and Misikipos to its north, and the Aspra Oroi to its east. Another aspect that makes the village very lovely is that the Tremithos Rives flows through it as well as the Kryo Nero River.
Several components of traditional folk architecture are still present in the village's older structures. Because of its picturesque setting, Psevdas is considered a residential area, and has even drawn people of the capital to construct new homes there or refurbish existing ones.
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