The Council of Ministers approves rent allowance boost: what you need to know
30 november 2023

The Council of Ministers approves rent allowance boost: what you need to know

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Approximately 4,500 beneficiaries will be impacted by the Council of Ministers' critical decision to approve the Home Office's proposal for a significant rise in rent allowances under the Rent Subsidy Scheme.

The Home Office's application for a universal increase in rent allowances under the Rent Subsidy Scheme for Displaced Persons, Survivors, and Other Eligible Individuals has received approval from the Council of Ministers, which is a noteworthy turning point. A recent meeting resulted in this decision, which will take effect on January 1, 2024, according to an official statement.

Approximately 4,500 beneficiaries, single people, families, and students, receive subsidies each year from this program, which has a generous €8.5 million budget. The allowance's calculation is closely linked to the composition of the family and the gross family income.

This program, which is essential to the basis for refugee policy, fits very well with the government's recently announced single-housing policy.

Households with two or more members will see a 25% rise while single persons, single-parent households, and students would see a 15% increase authorized. This modification is regarded as a calculated reaction to the rising trend in rental prices.

Importantly, it is stressed that helping recipients meet their housing needs is the main goal of this increase until they move into privately owned property. In an effort to help people benefited by the program better manage their housing needs, this action is a proactive response to the growing rental expenditure situation.