Vavatsinia is a village that belongs to the district of Larnaca and the village of Agioi Vavatsinias, Melini and Odou are nearby. At an elevation of 840 meters above sea level, 10 kilometers northwest of Lefkara, the village of Vavatsinia in the Larnaca Mountains is home to pine woods, winding streets, and traditional buildings. It is situated near the southeast foothills of Troodos and the south of Machaira Forest. The architecture of the village, including the stony homes, the charming residences filled with flowers with wooden doors, give the village its unique beauty and leaves an impression on people who stroll through the settlement’s narrow streets.
The village is well-known for its zivania production, the local mulberry tree (Vavatsinia) and its luxuriant surroundings in nature. Vavatsinia's settlement was created during the Arabic incursions. A single black currant tree that still exists beside the river and bears huge black currants inspired the naming of the village. In the village one can find taverns that offer a food experience by taking the origins and history of traditional Cypriot cuisine into account.
Cycling enthusiasts should consider visiting Vavatsinia. The most well-known biking route is the Machairas route. A great walking path is the one that bridges the village’s square with the base of a water stream. What is more the ancient pine tree is distinctive to the community and is one of the village’s main attractions.
Vavatsinia is a great village surrounded by beautiful green nature, and the real estate here includes, houses, villas and land. Browse through our listing with 16 properties for sale in Vavatsinia.