Cyprus excels in research and innovation
11. Juni 2024

Cyprus excels in research and innovation

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Nicodemos Damianou, Deputy Minister of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy, claims that Cyprus is becoming a leader in these fields. Damianou highlighted the country's noteworthy advancements in this essential field when meeting with Stavros Malas, the Institute's President, and other important administrative members at the Cyprus Institute.

Deputy Minister Damianou expressed his excitement on the advances in research and innovation that Cyprus has made. He pointed out that the nation's innovation ecosystem was still growing just ten to fifteen years ago. It has expanded significantly in recent years, promising a bright future. Damianou noted how important this ecosystem is to accomplishing the aims of sustainable development, improving society and the economy, and establishing Cyprus as the hub of innovation and technology.

Damianou congratulated the Cyprus Institute for its outstanding scientific accomplishments. He emphasised the Institute's function as a vital partner and pillar in the regional and national ecosystem for innovation and research. The Institute has advanced technology and contributed to the larger objectives of sustainable development in a comparatively short amount of time.

The Cyprus Institute's president, Stavros Malas, highlighted the difficulties Cyprus faced in a number of EU areas. Nonetheless, he proudly mentioned how well Cyprus does research. Malas stressed the vital role of the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy in her speech to Deputy Minister Damianou. Beyond only economic expansion, he said that the most effective means of attaining sustainable development were research and innovation. The visit demonstrated Cyprus's outstanding achievements in innovation and research. Damianou and Malas both emphasised how crucial it is to keep funding this field in order to guarantee sustainable growth and maintain Cyprus's standing as a leader in innovation and technology.