West Coast
West Coast

West Coast

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West Coast property Sales & Rentals are a Fully Licensed & Registered Real Estate Agent with offices Located in Limassol and in Paphos.

Having worked in the real estate industry here in Cyprus for over 16 years we as a company have become passionate about delivering great value for money and excellent property investments. We have sought out some of the best value resale properties on the market, ensuring that not only are all our properties sound investments but they have full Title Deeds and cater for everybody's individual tastes and requirements.

The company now not only has a flourishing Property Sales business but also has a rapidly expanding Property Rentals department, catering for Paphos, Limassol and the surrounding areas.

If you wish to find your holiday home in the sun or indeed are looking to permanently relocate to the Cyprus sunshine then West Coast delivers a highly experienced and professional team, eager to meet your wants and desires for your property investment.

West Coast now has an ever expanding marketing campaign in Russia, Scandinavia, UAE and the UK as well as the local property market here in Cyprus and offers some of the best marketing avenues for your home. If you wish to sell your property please contact us, our staff in Limassol and Paphos can assist you.

  • Registration number: 656
  • License number: 192/E

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