Troulloi is a village in the district of Larnaca. It is 15 kilometers from the city of Larnaca and it is built 120 meters above sea level. The village has presently 1,078 residents (Wolrd Population Review). The majority of the businesses are family-run and include a grocery store, a bakery, a clothing store, a hair salon and other. The dome-shaped hills that encircle the settlement are its most distinguishing topographic feature.
Located a few kilometers to the east of Troulloi is a chapel honoring Saint Neophytos. The Department of Antiquities and UNESCO have worked together to restore the modest chapel as a result of the Community Council and Ecclesiastical Committee's efforts. The distinct priestly form of Anthony Konstantinou, has served the community as a priest since 1969 and is admired, respected and well-known by people in the village but also on a larger scale.
Troulloi offers a wide range of residential properties such as houses, villas, as well as apartments and land. Discover your dream property on our listing with 1 οικόπεδα πωλήσεις in Troulloi.