Tepak plans to develop a solar park in Polemidia
May 22, 2024

Tepak plans to develop a solar park in Polemidia

A collaborative effort between the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) and the Polemidia municipality has been announced to create a photovoltaic (PV) park with a capacity of around 9 megawatts (MW). The partnership was formalised on May 13 when Nicos Anastasiou, the mayor of Polemidia, and Panayiotis Zafiris, the rector of Tepak, signed an agreement.

The goal of the PV park, which will be built on property held by the municipality, is to provide Tepak, the municipality, and its residents with sustainable energy. The initiative demonstrates a dedication to using renewable energy sources to provide environmentally friendly acceptable energy solutions.

In addition to providing energy, Tepak intends to use the PV park for research in renewable energy. This research will focus on developing new technologies for clean energy production and enhancing the efficiency of photovoltaic systems.

According to the university, "this agreement represents a significant step towards achieving energy independence for both Tepak and the Municipality of Polemidia". "It also encourages Cyprus to adopt and develop renewable energy sources more broadly."

The project is now going through the process of getting the authorizations it needs while in the initial design phase.