Celebrating the 15th of August in Cyprus
August 2, 2023

Celebrating the 15th of August in Cyprus

The 15th of August holds a significant place in the hearts of Cypriots as it marks the celebration of Assumption Day. Due to its spiritual significance and cultural importance, this religious practice is extremely valuable to the people of Cyprus. Let’s look into the essence of this special celebration, exploring its historical roots, religious customs, and its unique meaning for the Cypriot and Greek communities.

Assumption Day is a Christian feast that commemorates the belief that the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, was assumed bodily into heaven after her life on earth. The belief in the Assumption of Mary, has been an integral part of Christian tradition.

The celebration of the Assumption in Cyprus is predominantly observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church, which holds a significant presence on the island. Orthodox Christians firmly believe in the Dormition of the Theotokos, where Mary fell asleep in the Lord and was taken up into heaven by her son, Jesus Christ.

A season of fasting and devotion

The journey towards Dekapentavgoustos begins on August 1st, a time of preparation and commitment. Fasting from meat, fish, and dairy products is practiced by the devout as a form of spiritual reflection and self-control.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of our Savior on August 6th, an outstanding occasion in which Jesus Christ is transmuted into divine light on Mount Tabor. On this blessed day, strict fasting is briefly put on hold allowing believers to eat fish.

The grand celebration of Dekapentavgoustos

The charm of Dekapentavgoustos or “Summer Easter” engulfs the island as the long-awaited 15th of August approaches. Churches and monasteries dedicated to the Virgin Mary become bustling centers of devotion, drawing crowds of devoted believers. The monasteries of Kykkos, Trooditissa, and Chrysorogiatissa are among the most venerated, attracting masses of the faithful. The sacred event of Panagia Chrysospiliotissa church in Deftera, in particular, has received a prestigious spot on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List, indicating its cultural significance.

This sacred ritual commences on the 7th of August, immediately following the Transfiguration of our Savior, and culminates at midnight on the 16th of August. Throughout this time, the icon of Panagia is lovingly carried in a grand procession from Agios Nikolaos church to Panagia Chrysospiliotissa church-cave, where it rests until the 16th. Along the route, prayers and hymns reverberate, while devoted women delicately sprinkle the icon with fragrant rose water, honoring the divine presence.

Aside from religious significance, the 15th of August has great cultural significance in Cyprus. The day is a national public holiday, allowing people to take time away from their everyday activities to celebrate. Families and friends gather for meals and social occasions, creating a joyful and inclusive atmosphere.

Many Cypriots take advantage of this time to visit their villages and reconnect with their roots. Exodus from cities is typical as people travel to their villages for reunions and celebrations. The celebrations foster nostalgia and community cohesion, reinforcing the bonds that connect Cypriot society.

The vicinity of mountainous churches and monasteries transforms into a lively marketplace, where vendors offer an array of traditional delights like loukoumades, shamishi, soutzioukko, and glyka koutaliou (fruits preserved in syrup). Alongside these delectable treats, an assortment of nuts, fruits, vegetables, as well as toys and household items, add to the festive ambiance.

The celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on August 15th in Cyprus is a treasured occasion that combines religious devotion with cultural significance. This important occasion draws the Cypriot community together in a display of faith and unity, emphasizing the value of religious traditions and familial relationships. As beautiful flowers cover the icons and hymns fill the air, Assumption Day in Cyprus remains a treasured and unique celebration that continues to captivate its people's hearts.